Rental Equipment
Professional Comapny
Ecowwods is a member of the National woods Flooring Association setting themselves apart from others companies by attending training with the new and advance technology in the filed also we have experience and knowledge of work with Harwood for over 20 years in Toronto GTA Francisco the CEO have a Bachelor degree in engendering in addition we used the lead equipment technology and best finishing products in the market with low voc to protect your home or business
Cerificated Company
Ecowwos is Certified installer by NWFA also is a bona Craftsman certified, Bona one of the larger manufactures of floors finishing product and equipment in the world they choose only the top level professionals in the industry to keep up to day best practices to ensure a durable and beautiful result in your floors more over we have are certified by Lagler one of the larger manufactures of equipment in the world they trained by invitation to the best companies in the field to use the equipment to obtain the better result in your floors we went to Germany to achieve a Lagler Premium Sanding Technology Training Certificate
Licence and Insurance Company
Because you are getting the services of a professional, we are licensed, bonded and insured, company that means that we have the required licensing for our business, proper insurance, and have made payments for additional coverage with a bond including WISB. Licence and bonded companies can like as can assure our clients that we will plan out the process carefully and will communicate with you until your project is done.
Quotes & Pricing Comany
We deliver our free quotes with a variety and honest option for our client’s project understanding their budget, our pricing are inclusive, giving our clients a detail quoted, we don’t have hiding fees we charge as we quoted in the budget and on time.
HISTORY Of the Company
Research their company background and testimonial for a trusted and reputable site also very important chose a company with a disclose fiscal address
Harwood Floors & Staircase